Friday, 31 July 2015

Head Study - Muscles and Angles

Just did some head muscle study. First draw the skull, then put the muscles one by one on top of the skull, then on the other half make a face base on the muscle and skull structure. I used references from google then copied the muscle forms from Anatomy for Sculptors book. The second drawing,  head angle study is based on the youtube tutorial by Proko. :D

Skull Proportion and Blocking Study

Today I did some study of skull proportion and blocking.. I used a mixture of tutorials for this... from youtube some from google, then the Anatomy for Sculptors book... Sorry for the quality I just used digicam for this. I need a lot of practice! :D 

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Anatomy Study - Hands

Hello. Here is a study of hand, numbers 1,2,3 were all copied from the first parts of the tutorial, then 4,5,6 are copied from my left hand :D Not entirely sure about my way of learning but I decided to copy things first based on references either from photo or real life. Then when I get used to it, will incorporate the things I learned to my future compositions, whether 2D concepts or 3D sculpts. 
PS: that disturbing stuff between my thumb and wrist are scars from trying to put a large slice of pork into a medium size oven... :D no I'm not suicidal... hahahahahha :D